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Recent Service interruption
We would like to shed some information on the service interruptions some of you may h ...



Our Technical Department would like to inform you that a pre-upgrade maintenance is going to be performed on SupCenter10.co.uk. The maintenance is scheduled for 9:00 AM GMT (4:00 AM EST) on January 24th, 2008, with around 2 hours expected downtime.

The re-arrangement of the server partitions, that is going to be carried out, will prepare the server for next week's entire replacement of its HDDs (hard disk drives) with new better and faster ones. In result, the working performance of the server will be uplifted enormously and the occasional timeouts you might have been facing once in a while will be totally eliminated.

The installing of the new hard disk drives is planned for next week, and we shall let you know about it well in advance. We give our guarantees that the information stored on the server will not be affected in any way and would like to apologize for any inconvenience you might suffer during the downtime.

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